1. Role-play the following situation, and write the dialogue.
This time, discuss the problem of too many cars in the city with your partner. Use the suggestions below or your own ideas. Suggestions:
▲ Provide more efficient public transportation
▲ Arrange car pools
▲ Make gasoline more expensive
▲ Encourage people to ride bicycles
Start like this: “I think there are too many cars in this city.”
1. Role-play the following situation, and write the dialogue.
This time, discuss the problem of too many cars in the city with your partner. Use the suggestions below or your own ideas. Suggestions:
▲ Provide more efficient public transportation
▲ Arrange car pools
▲ Make gasoline more expensive
▲ Encourage people to ride bicycles
Start like this: “I think there are too many cars in this city.”
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