北语网院19秋《综合英语》(II)作业4【答案】 作者:周老师 分类: 北语网院 发布时间: 2019-11-18 22:00 专业辅导各院校在线、离线考核、形考、终极考核、统考、社会调查报告、毕业论文写作交流等! 联系我们:QQ客服:3326650399 439328128 微信客服①:cs80188 微信客服②:cs80189 扫一扫添加我为好友 扫一扫添加我为好友 作业答案 联系QQ:3326650399 微信:cs80188 19秋《综合英语》(II)作业4 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第1题,___ the misery of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today. A、Remember B、Recall C、Think of D、Think 正确答案: 第2题,These are all ___ in which people have been forced by society to endure much physical pain and suffering… A、examples B、instances C、cases D、environment 正确答案: 第3题,Since the beginning of history, people have hoped for___ travel. A、mutualplanetary B、interplanetary C、crossplanetary D、betweenplanetary 正确答案: 第4题,A woman, ___ Spanish, is gathering family members together. A、speak B、speaks C、spoken D、speaking 正确答案: 第5题,The warming continues, ___ more ice. A、having melted B、melts C、melted D、melting 正确答案: 第6题,Nowadays many women ___ to make themselves beautiful. A、go to any best B、go to any width C、get to any lengths D、go to great lengths 正确答案: 第7题,Such rivers, insignificant ___ they may be, influence the lives of the village. A、as B、although C、however D、but 正确答案: 第8题,This university is full of ___ atmosphere. A、academic B、academics C、academical D、academy 正确答案: 第9题,Her face appeared on innumerable magazine covers, and she was ___ by the media. A、confused B、caught C、hounded D、followed 正确答案: 第10题,I felt ___ about the tree. A、the same way B、same way C、by the same way D、same 正确答案: 第11题,The valley is in a valley, where it can be ___ from the hills. A、neglected B、looked C、watched D、overlooked 正确答案: 第12题,___us enjoy getting up early. A、None B、None of C、No one of D、No 正确答案: 第13题,No bikes had reflectors because the reflectors were______the fenders which got torn off early in the game. A、slung to B、stuck to C、fastening to D、fastened to 正确答案: 第14题,The king permitted himself to be entertained ___ music and a football match. A、for B、with C、at D、by 正确答案: 第15题,It is a ___ film. A、fascinating B、fascinated C、fascinated D、fascinates 正确答案: 第16题,This answer is incorrect, which means you lose a ___. A、position B、meaning C、place D、point 正确答案: 第17题,It was very important to have enough spokes so that the wheel remained more or less ___. A、round B、around C、circle D、circling 正确答案: 第18题,There are many examples of societies ___ people have done so much to be more beautiful. A、which B、where C、at which D、that 正确答案: 第19题,Which one is right of the following sentences? A、I don't think it is a free choice. B、I think it is not a free choice. C、I didn't think it is a free choice. D、I thought it wasn't a free choice. 正确答案: 第20题,The two colleges are ___ on the scientific research. A、operating B、cooperative C、co-operating D、operative 正确答案: 第21题,Sade herself is not clear ___ why her UK fans stopped buying her albums. A、as B、as of C、as to D、to 正确答案: 第22题,The Roman Empire has long ___ vanished. A、from B、before C、until D、since 正确答案: 第23题,Although they are poor, ___they are happy. A、but B、while C、× D、however 正确答案: 第24题,The two ladies, next to me but ___, look up and down the corridor. A、relative B、unrelated C、inrelated D、relate 正确答案: 第25题,You ___ full and thorough decision, putting aside all else in life. A、abandon yourself B、give yourself up to C、leave yourself with D、give in 正确答案: 作业答案 联系QQ:3326650399 微信:cs80188 【(540)综合英语(11)北语(940)网院(304)秋(9870)《(4083)》(3453)答案(845)作业(3466) 专业辅导各院校在线、离线考核、形考、终极考核、统考、社会调查报告、毕业论文写作交流等!(非免费) 联系我们:QQ客服:3326650399 439328128 微信客服①:cs80188 微信客服②:cs80189 扫一扫添加我为好友 扫一扫添加我为好友
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