要求:1. 写出教育过程,设计的教育使命/活动至少应有四项。
2. 每项教育使命/活动请写出设计目的。
Text (对于八年级学生设计一节阅览课的教育过程)
Animals in Danger
Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. They feed on bamboo. But now they have less and less land to live on. So pandas are becoming fewer in number.
The heaviest animals in the world are not elephants. They are blue whales. They are the largest but they feed on the smallest sea animals. Now they are in danger because some people make their ocean home dirty and others kill whales for their meat.
Chinese tigers live in the south of China. They are also in danger now. They are the oldest type of tigers in the world and they eat small animals. Some people kill tigers for their fur and bones.
Text (对于八年级学生设计一节阅览课的教育过程)
Animals in Danger
Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. They feed on bamboo. But now they have less and less land to live on. So pandas are becoming fewer in number.
The heaviest animals in the world are not elephants. They are blue whales. They are the largest but they feed on the smallest sea animals. Now they are in danger because some people make their ocean home dirty and others kill whales for their meat.
Chinese tigers live in the south of China. They are also in danger now. They are the oldest type of tigers in the world and they eat small animals. Some people kill tigers for their fur and bones.
名字: 专业:
学号: 学习中间:
? 分数:
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. 听力的文本驱动形式
2. 概括法
3. 文化教育
4. 图式理论
1. 中小学英语教育内容有必要具有哪些特征?
2. 发问的疑问品种包含哪些?
四、事例剖析题 (20 分)
要求:1. 写出教育过程,设计的教育使命/活动至少应有四项。
2. 每项教育使命/活动请写出设计目的。
Text (对于八年级学生设计一节阅览课的教育过程)
Animals in Danger
Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. They feed on bamboo. But now they have less and less land to live on. So pandas are becoming fewer in number.
The heaviest animals in the world are not elephants. They are blue whales. They are the largest but they feed on the smallest sea animals. Now they are in danger because some people make their ocean home dirty and others kill whales for their meat.
Chinese tigers live in the south of China. They are also in danger now. They are the oldest type of tigers in the world and they eat small animals. Some people kill tigers for their fur and bones.
一、 单项挑选题(20分)
1、老师在教育过程中不只进行常识的教授,还要清晰自己的研讨方向和职责,首要表现的老师人物是( )。
A.研讨者 B.安排者 C.推进者
2、教育中语言、内容、信息的精确无误,并重视学科交融,表现了中小学英语教育内容的( )
A.实习性 B.年代性 C.科学性
3、选用现代化教育手法最重要的效果是( )。
4、创设情境要思考靠近学生日子,方式新颖,简而易行。但最重要的一点是应能( ) 。
5、英语语音常识包括语音的认读、音节的辨认、词汇的辨认、( )、语句的了解,也包括语调、节奏、音重和语流运作的规律。
A.语篇结构的感知 B.语法的认知 C.方针的获取 D.语义的判别
6、英语课程变革的要点即是要改动英语课程过火注重语法和词汇常识的( )
A.学习 B.把握 C.教学与教授 D.运用
7、有含义学习的方法可区分为两类:( )与承受学习。
A.概念学习 B.发现学习 C.了解性学习
8、国外一般将第二语言习得与学习的动机分为两类:( )。
9、在语法教育中,依据学生知道和把握语法规矩的过程和语法出现的方法,我咱们能够采纳概括法和( )。
A.情形法 B.活动法 C.演绎法
10、( )是老师给学生供给包括所学语法常识的语言资料,提出学习要求,由学生调查和剖析资料,发现并概括语法规矩。
A.情形法 B.发现式教育法 C.使命活动法
1. 听力的文本驱动形式
2. 概括法
3. 文化教育
4. 图式理论
1. 中小学英语教育内容有必要具有哪些特征?
2. 发问的疑问品种包含哪些?
四、事例剖析题 (20 分)
要求:1. 写出教育过程,设计的教育使命/活动至少应有四项。
2. 每项教育使命/活动请写出设计目的。
Text (对于八年级学生设计一节阅览课的教育过程)
Animals in Danger
Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. They feed on bamboo. But now they have less and less land to live on. So pandas are becoming fewer in number.
The heaviest animals in the world are not elephants. They are blue whales. They are the largest but they feed on the smallest sea animals. Now they are in danger because some people make their ocean home dirty and others kill whales for their meat.
Chinese tigers live in the south of China. They are also in danger now. They are the oldest type of tigers in the world and they eat small animals. Some people kill tigers for their fur and bones.
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