东大23秋《工商英语》在线平时作业1【标准答案】 作者:奥鹏周老师 分类: 东北大学 发布时间: 2023-12-07 11:35 作业答案 联系QQ:3326650399 微信:cs80188 微信二维码 《工商英语》在线平常作业1-00001 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、判别题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分) 1.Financial accounts provide data about operational performance. 2.Harrods in London is a large department store. 3.Revenue is the profits a company gains in its business. 4.Ltd after a company’s name means limited liability. 5.The only factor that determines the price is the labor cost. 6.Barcodes cannot provide information about the price. 7.Securities only refer to bonds. 8.Companies can help reduce air pollution. 9.Dividends are paid to stockholders no matter whether the company gains or loses. 10.When one company accumulates enough of another company’s shares, the former will merge with the latter. 11.In Japan, the most senior person at the meeting will do most of the talking. 12.Quota is the minimum quantity of product allowed into a country. 13.Repeat business means customers buy from the companies again and again. 14.WTO stands for World Trade Committee. 15.Public relations department is responsible for positive publicity for companies. 16.To remain profitable, one company needs to expand its size. 17.The male way of speaking does not encourage discussion. 18.Specialist retailer is a very large shop with many departments or sections. 19.Companies should behave responsibly. 20.The franchisor sells the franchisee the right to operate a business. 作业答案 联系QQ:3326650399 微信:cs80188 微信二维码
试卷总分:100 得分:100
一、判别题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)
1.Financial accounts provide data about operational performance.
2.Harrods in London is a large department store.
3.Revenue is the profits a company gains in its business.
4.Ltd after a company’s name means limited liability.
5.The only factor that determines the price is the labor cost.
6.Barcodes cannot provide information about the price.
7.Securities only refer to bonds.
8.Companies can help reduce air pollution.
9.Dividends are paid to stockholders no matter whether the company gains or loses.
10.When one company accumulates enough of another company’s shares, the former will merge with the latter.
11.In Japan, the most senior person at the meeting will do most of the talking.
12.Quota is the minimum quantity of product allowed into a country.
13.Repeat business means customers buy from the companies again and again.
14.WTO stands for World Trade Committee.
15.Public relations department is responsible for positive publicity for companies.
16.To remain profitable, one company needs to expand its size.
17.The male way of speaking does not encourage discussion.
18.Specialist retailer is a very large shop with many departments or sections.
19.Companies should behave responsibly.
20.The franchisor sells the franchisee the right to operate a business.
作业答案 联系QQ:3326650399 微信:cs80188